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Criminal justice system still a residual remain of the colonial legacy in our country

criminal justice system : 

                                                      lord Thomas Bubington Macaulay was the chief architect of the criminal justice system of India 

there are three component of crinal justice system they are police, court, and correction.

as the know India had been ruled by the British, so it is inevitable that the influence of British criminal system world prevail for some time in India.

but now the time has come where India need to rationalise the criminal justice system because in today's world they are ineffective and obsolete.

 for instance IPC Section 124A which deals with sedition charges is still inpractice in India, ever after knowing that this section is revoked by UK inself. 

 and there are some other countries sections which need to be addressed, as they merely become a tool for the harassment of common people..

 so it is evident that the legislation which were made in colonial era, are ineffective and obsolete and there is a need of reform in such criminal justice system. 

 Reform requires are :

  • digitization of documents pertaining to the justice system in order to enhance the efficiency of courts.
  •  special laws and the special court could replace certain offenses under IPC.
  • Construction of new offenses and classification of existing laws to make it more comprehensible for common people. 
  • The discreation judge in deciding the quotom of sentence differently for crimes of the same nature should be based on principle of judicial presidents.
  • use of technology for the administration of justice could reduce the time of trials. 

  matimath and madhav menon also submitted their reports for the reformation of the judiciary.

What Next :

The use of colonial legislation causing huse pendency of trials, therefore we need judicial reforms, to revoke the concept of judicial delay.

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