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civil war is certainly a path that can be visualised if afganistan continue on its trajectury in.

the Taliban which is a terrorist organization has usurped the political power in Afghanistan, after the withdrawal, after the withdrawal of US and NATO troops.

ever since the Taliban come in power in Afghanistan it has deteriorated the political structure and peace in Afghanistan. 

the taliban in this course of time has issued so many arbitrary orders, for instance.

  1. now women cannot step out from their hoses without veil or burkha.
  2. women are denied to attain education.
  3. women are denied to job opportunities.
  4. Taliban has imposed huge taxes on people.
  5. the media has been restricted to post any information against Taliban rule.
so these arbitrary measures adopted by taliban creating a huge resesment in the common masses. and if these measure continue in Afghanistan than the civilwar seems inevitable.

  taliban has restored to these measures in order to get hold these measures the other countries has imposed sanctions on taliban rule government for instance,

  1. The USA and the other countries refused to provide any financial aid to afganistan.
  2. The world bank has also refused to provide any aid in this humanitarian crisis.
  3. Food aid is also denied to afganistan.
What Next: 

   To bring peace and harmony, proper engagement with Taliban is required, and India as a high bounding country should start peace talk with Taliban. And the major countries should engage with taliban in such a manner which is conducive to bring democracy and government elected by people in Afghanistan. 

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